Forest Land Inventory (2011 & 2013): Nelson River Forest Section

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What does this data set describe?

Forest Land Inventory (2011 & 2013): Nelson River Forest Section
This represents version 3 of the Forest Land Inventory (FLI) polygons for Manitoba's Forest Management Units (FMUs) 83, 84, 85, 87 in 2011 and 2013. Collectively, these FMUs form the Nelson River Forest Section. Version 3 of the Nelson River FLI includes additional updates to some records for the STRATA, DENAGG (density class aggregate) and SIC (site index class) fields.The FLI is based on recommendations made by the Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Technical Advisory Committee (FLITAC) . These specifications were developed specifically for Manitoba and were based on Manitoba's previous forest inventory as well as Alberta's AVI (Alberta Vegetation Inventory) specifications (specifically the draft AVI 2.2).Nelson River Forest Section (2011 & 2013) FLI has z-values and can be viewed in 3D in ESRI's ArcScene, or DA/TEM's Summit Evolution.
This dataset represents version 3 of the Nelson River FLI and includes updates to some records for the STRATA, DENAGG (density class aggregate) and SIC (site index class) fields.
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    , 20170101, Forest Land Inventory (2011 & 2013): Nelson River Forest Section.

    Other_Citation_Details: Reference Nelson_River_FLI if converting to a coverage.

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -99.014811
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -96.600139
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 55.934790
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 54.223353

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Beginning_Date: 01-Jul-2011
    Ending_Date: 31-Aug-2013
    Currentness_Reference: publication date

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

      This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):

      • GT-polygon composed of chains (101508)

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?


    Internal feature number. (Source: Esri)

    Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

    Feature geometry. (Source: Esri)

    Coordinates defining the features.

    Summary forest stand species string created from SP1_SUM, SP1PER_SUM to SP6_SUM, SP6PER_SUM. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized average stand height in meters. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized year of origin, using the tree species from all layers. (Source: Forestry)

    Age calculated at year 2017 (2017 – ORIGIN_SUM). (Source: Forestry)

    Twenty (20) year age classes in 2017 (0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100, 101-120, 121-140 and 141+) (Source: Forestry Branch)

    Stand cover type. Productive stands are coded as S, M, N, or H, denoting pure softwood, softwood dominated mixed wood, hardwood dominated mixed wood, and pure hardwood, respectively. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized crown closure in percentage (1-100). (Source: Forestry)

    Strata are the combination of ranges of species groups into specific groupings. The strata groupings can be unique to a Forest Section. (Source: Forestry)

    PTAPure Trembling Aspen
    MAPPure Commercial Hardwood
    PJPPure Jack Pine
    LBSLowland Black Spruce
    UBSUpland Black Spruce
    STLBlack Spruce and Tamarack
    SWDPure Commercial Softwood
    MWDMixedwood – Softwood Leading
    NWDMixedwood – Hardwood Leading
    OTSOther Softwood
    OTDOther Hardwood

    Summarized leading species. The leading species on a site is determined using all species representations across all layers. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the leading species. The leading species percentage on a site is summarized using all of the leading species as represented across all layers. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized 2nd species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the 2nd species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized 3rd species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the 3rd species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized 4th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the 4th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized 5th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the 5th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized 6th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Summarized species composition of the 6th species. (Source: Forestry)

    Density class aggregate defined across all layers with 1 being the highest density and 3 the lowest density. (Source: Forestry)

    The site indices of the leading species in meters. (Source: Forestry)

    Site index class, coded as “H”,”M” and “L” denoting high, medium and low productivity of site, respectively. High, medium, and Low values are species specific and determined on a Forest Section by Forest Section basis. (Source: Forestry)

    CANLAY describes the canopy layers that occur within the polygon. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    SSingle 'overstorey' layer (primary tree layer)
    MMulti (two) 'overstorey' layers
    VVeteran layer (must be used in conjunction with sinfle or multi 'overstorey' layers; always has a crown closure of '0'. representing 0-5%)
    CComplex stand (stands which display a range of heights rather than several distinct height classes; no understoreys allowed; for black spruce and larch stands only.
    UUnderstorey (less than 10 metres; optional on single and multi storey stands but not used with complex stands; both softwood and hardwood are identified only if seen on lead-on photography

    CANRANK is the canopy rank value (1 to 5) that is related to layer importance for forestry planning and operations. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    1 to 4 based on order of precedence. Note: Overstorey layers (S, M, or C) are ranked first (in the casee of M, the taller layer is fiven first ranking); then the Understorey layer (U) and finally, the Veteran layer (V) (lowest priority of the treed layers). If one of the layers (default or M) is non-treed (e.g., shrub), then that layer is given lowest priority. Also, canopy rank is not identified for wetlands or non-vegetated polygons.

    COMHT is a numeric field that describes the height range that is associated with complex stands (CANLAY=C). (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    In complex stands only (CANLAY = C); the numbers of metres from the midpoint that describes the height of the complex stand. (e.g., 12 m +/- 5m, COMHT would equal 5.

    CC refers to the crown closure or percent coverage that tree crowns occupy, relative to total polygon area, and is restricted to use in treed layers. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    06 to 10 % crown closure (or 1-5% if in a Veteran layer).
    111 to 25% crown closure
    221 to 30% crown closure
    331-40% crown closure
    441-50% crown closure
    551-60% crown closure
    661-70% crown closure
    771-80% crown closure
    881-90% crown closure
    991-100% crown closure

    The HT records tree height in 1-metre increments to a maximum of 40 metres (In FLI the layers are always in descending order by height). (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    The HT records tree height in 1-metre increments to a maximum of 40 metres (In FLI the layers are always in descending order by height).

    The first species occurring in a treed layer. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    WPWhite Pine
    RPRed Pine
    JPJack Pine
    SPScots Pine
    BSBlack Spruce
    WSWhite Spruce
    BFBalsam Fir
    TLTamarack (Larch)
    ECEastern Cedar
    TATrembling Aspen
    LALarge Tooth Aspen
    BABalsam Poplar
    COEastern Cottonwood
    WBWhite Birch
    MMManitoba Maple
    BOBur Oak

    Species 1 composition percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    The second species occurring in a treed layer. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Species 2 composition percent in 10% classes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    The third species occurring in a treed layer. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Species 3 composition percent in 10% classes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    The fourth species occurring in a treed layer. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Species 4 composition percent in 10% classes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    The fifth species occurring in a treed layer. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Species 5 composition percent in 10% classes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    The sixth species occurring in a treed layer. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Species 6 composition percent in 10% classes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Range of values
    Units:Numeric codes from 1 to 10, representing 10 % cover classes.

    ORIGIN is assigned only to treed layers and identifies the actual origin year of the tree layer and is coded using four digits. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    LANDMOD refers to the soil landscape model number. LANDMOD describes the landscape in general terms. Examples include dunes, flood plain, etc. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    LMODNO refers to the soil landscape model number. Combined with LANDMOD code for a unique value. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    The SOILTEX field contains parent material texture information and was also based on the 1:60,000 soil landscape mapping. The characters used to describe soil texture are: C, M, F, L, P, or U, in combination with numbers 0 to 22. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    C7Coarse grained bedrock
    C1Gravels or gravely (cobbly/stony) coarse textured material
    C0Coarse textured (S, LS, SL) material (undifferentiated)
    C2Very coarse (S, LS) sediments deposited by wind or water
    C3Moderately coarse (SL, fSL) sediments deposited by wind or water
    M1Gravelly medium textured sediments deposited by water (includes cobbly and stony variations)
    M2Medium textured (L, L-CL, SiL) sediments deposited by wind and water
    F2Fine textured (SiCL, CL, C-CL); water laid sediments
    F1Very fine textured (C, SiC); water laid sediments (heavy clay)
    L12Shallow peats (less than 1 metre) on forested sites over medium textured soil: SI, L
    L13Shallow peats (less than 1 metre) on forested sites over fine textured soil: C, SIC
    P1Deep peats (greater than 1 metre) on non-treed wetlands
    P2Deep peats (greater than 1 metre) on sparsely treed wetlands

    SLOPEPOS refers to the slope position of the polygon within the landscape. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    CCrest: The upper most portion of a slope, shape is usually convex in all directions with no distinct aspect.
    UUpper: The upper portion of the slope immediately below the crest, slope shape usually convex with a specific aspect.
    MMiddle: The area of the slope between the upper slope and the lower slope, where the slope is usually straight with a specific aspect.
    LLower: The lower portion of the slope immediately above the toe, slope shape usually concave with a specific aspect.
    TToe: The lower most portion of the slope immediately below and adjacent to the lower slope, slope shape concave grading rapidly to level with no distinct aspect.
    DDepression: Any area that is concave in all directions, usually at the toe of a slope or within level topography.
    VLevel: Any level area excluding toe slopes, generally horizontal with no distinct aspect.
    OUndulating: An undulating landscape which has multiple slope positions.

    DRAINPAT refers to the drainage pattern, if there is one present within a polygon. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    0No pattern (for Dry, Fresh or Very Fresh Moisture Regimes); codes 1 to 5 restricted to polygons with Moist and Wet soil moisture regimes.
    1None - uniform canopy without patterned form
    2Interspersed - patchy or reticulate (net-like) canopy pattern; few or many irregular canopy openings; sometimes arranged in a regular pattern perpendicular to the direction of water flow
    3Simple linear - one or a few large linear corridors; generally oriented in the same direction, parallel to the direction of water flow
    4Complex linear (closed) - Openings accounting for 6-25%, many linear drainage corridors, usually small, distinct or indistinct, generally oriented parallel to the direction of water flow or in complex arrangements
    5Complex linear (open) - Openings accounting for >25%, many linear drainage corridors, usually small, distinct or indistinct, generally oriented parallel to the direction of water flow or in complex arrangements

    MR refers to the soil moisture regime. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    DDry moisture regime
    FFresh moisture regime
    VVery Fresh moisture regime
    MMoist moisture regime
    WWet moisture regime

    The NNF_ANTH field is used to record information for naturally non-forested, naturally non-vegetated, agricultural or anthropogenic (man-made disturbance) areas. Non-forested means that the polygon is 0 to 5% treed. The following are categories of NNF_ANTH: Natural Non-Treed Vegetation, Natural Non-Vegetated, Anthropogenic, Agricultural Land. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    SOOpen shrub; crown closure less than 50 per cent.
    SCClosed shrub; crown closure more than 50 per cent.
    HGGrassland (natural), prairie savannah
    SPSand Prairie, e.g. Spruce Woods area
    BRBryophyte - mosses
    WIWillow (Salix sp.), may occur in WETECO=1 and WETECO=4
    ALAlder (Alnus sp.), may occur in WETECO=4
    DBDwarf Birch (Betula sp.), may occur in WETECO=1, or WETECO=2
    CCHazel (Corylus cornuta)
    CSDogwood (Cornus stolonifera)
    ASMountain maple (Acer spicatum)
    VISquashberry/high-bush cranberry (Viburnum sp.)
    RAWild Rose (Rosa acicularis)
    DLBush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera)
    AUBearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
    VABlueberry (Vaccinium sp.)
    CHLeather Leaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata)
    LGLabrador Tea (Ledum groenlandicum)
    NMBRecent burn (ecological attributes required)
    NMCWatercourse related cut banks, precipitous slopes/fragile sites
    NMRRock barren, bedrock, talus slope.
    NMSOpen sand dunes, sand barrens
    NMGGravel, sand beaches, sand bars related to water courses
    NWLLakes, ponds
    NWWLake Winnipeg
    NWMLake Manitoba
    NWOLake Winnipegosis
    NWERed River
    NWAAssiniboine River
    NSLSmall Islands - less than 2 hectares
    NMFMud/Salt Flats
    CPCrop, perennial
    CACrop, perennial
    ASBShelter Belts - shown as a polygon
    AFLFence lines, fire guards, community pastures
    ADDDrainage ditches
    CIPPipelines, transmission lines, tower sites
    CIWWell sites, geophysical, oil fields
    CIULand clearing, abandoned land for unknown reasons
    ASCCities, villages, cemetaries, etc.
    ASRRural residential, acreages, cottages
    ASNRecreational sites - node development, wayside parks
    AIHHighway, road right of ways, abandoned roads
    AIRRailroad right of way
    AARAbandoned railroads
    AIGGravel pits, borrow pits
    AIIIndustrial sites, mines, dumps
    AIWReservoirs, lagoons, dugouts, waterholes
    AIAAir strips
    AIFFarmland, agricultural land, farmsteads, abandones farmland
    AIUUnknown Industrial
    USLIslands not interpreted, greater than 2 hectares

    When vegetated polygons are disturbed by either natural or anthropogenic influences, modifier or treatment attributes are assigned to describe the type and extent of the disturbance. The MOD1 and MOD2 allow for up to two disturbances types to be identified. When known, the most recent disturbance is described first (otherwise the most severe disturbance would be recorded first). (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    CCClearcut or partial cut
    BUBurn or partial burn
    DMDwarf Mistletoe
    IKInsect Kill
    IBBudworm kill
    UKUnknown Kill
    WEWeather (e.g., snow load damage)
    BFflooded land - beaver
    SFSeasonally flooded land (upland occurrence)
    DTDiscoloured or dead tops
    BTBroken Tops
    STScattered timber (anthropogenic lands)
    PPPotentially productive
    NPNon-productive (e.g. poor/stunted growth)

    EXT1 and EXT2 describes the magnitude or extent of polygon area affected by the respective disturbance. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    1Light; 1 to 25% of the land area is affected or has loss of crown closure
    2Moderate; 26 to 50% of the land area is affected or has loss of crown closure
    3Heavy; 51 to 75% of the land area is affected or has loss of crown closure
    4Severe; 76 to 94% of the land area is affected or has loss of crown closure
    5Complete; 95-100% of the land area is affected or has loss of the entire crown

    ORIGIN1 and ORIGIN2 record the year in which the respective disturbance occurred. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    MOD2 is the second disturbance type to be identified. Refer to MOD1 for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    EXT2 describes the magnitude or extent of polygon area affected by the respective disturbance. Refer to EXT1 for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    ORIGIN2 records the year in which the respective disturbance occurred. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    TREATMOD is used to describe a prescribed silviculture treatment that has been applied to the polygon. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    SISite improved (e.g., fertilized, drained)
    SCSeedbed prepared (e.g., scarified, vegetation control)
    PLPlanted or seeded (regardless of success)
    GRDeveloped for grazing domestic livestock
    WHModified for wildlife habitat

    TREATEXT is used to describe a prescribed silviculture treatment that has been applied to the polygon. Refer to EXT1 codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    TRORIG is used to describe the year a prescribed silviculture treatment has occured. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    WETECO1 and WETECO2 are numeric codes that identify the wetland ecosite classification for polygons that meet specific wetland criteria. Up to two wetland ecosites can be identified, with the predominant type (by area) listed first. Wetland polygons do not have vegetation attributes assigned. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    1Open Bog - low shrub
    2Open Poor Fen - low shrub
    3Open Rich Fen
    4Thicket Swamp
    5Shore Fen
    6Meadow Marsh
    7Sheltered Marsh
    8Exposed Marsh
    9Open Water Marsh - floating leaved/peat substrate
    10Open Water Marsh - sumerged mineral substrate

    WETECO2 are numeric codes that identify the secondary wetland ecosite classification for polygons that meet specific wetland criteria. Refer to WETECO1 for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    DTYPE is a single character code used to identify additional data sources used in the interpretation of polygon attributes. The codes are used only when information other than the aerial photography is used. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    IInterpreted (default)
    FGround Call
    PPermanent Sample Plot (PSP)
    VEcosystem Volume Sampling Plot
    CCruise Data
    RRegeneration Survey
    AAir Call
    EEcosite Plot
    HPre-Harvest Assessment Plot

    YEARPHOTO is a 4 digit code which identifies the year in which the aerial photo was taken. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2CANLAY describes the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. Refer to CANLAY for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2CANRANK relates to the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon and is the canopy rank value (1 to 5) that is related to layer importance for forestry planning and operations. Refer to CANRANK for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2CC refers to the crown closure or percent coverage that the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon occupies, relative to total polygon area, and is restricted to use in treed layers. Refer to CC for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    The US2HT records tree or shrub height in the second layer from the crown of the treed ploygon in 1-metre increments to a maximum of 33 metres (In FLI the layers are always in descending order by height) (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP1 is the first species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. Refer to SP1 for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP1PER is species 1 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP2 is the second species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP2PER is species 2 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP3 is the third species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP3PER is species 3 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP4 is the forth species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP4PER is species 4 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP5 is the fifth species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP5PER is species 5 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP6 is the sixth species occurring in the second layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2SP6PER is species 6 composition in the second layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US2ORIGIN is assigned to the second layer from the crown of the treed ploygon and identifies the actual origin year of the tree layer and is coded using four digits. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3CANLAY describes the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. Refer to CANLAY for codes. (Source: Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3CANRANK relates to the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon and is the canopy rank value (1 to 5) that is related to layer importance for forestry planning and operations. Refer to CANRANK for codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3CC refers to the crown closure or percent coverage that the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon occupies, relative to total polygon area, and is restricted to use in treed layers. Refer to CC for codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    The US3HT records tree or shrub height in the third layer from the crown of the treed ploygon in 1-metre increments to a maximum of 33 metres (In FLI the layers are always in descending order by height) (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP1 is the first species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. Refer to SP1 for codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP1PER is species 1 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP2 is the second species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP2PER is species 2 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP3 is the third species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP3PER is species 3 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP4 is the forth species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP4PER is species 4 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP5 is the fifth species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP5PER is species 5 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP6 is the sixth species occurring in the third layer from the crown of the treed polygon. See SP1 for species definitions and codes. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3SP6PER is species 6 composition in the third layer from the crown of the treed polyon percent in 10% classes. The sum of the 6 species composition percent codes must always be 10 (100 %). Species composition percent is only assigned in treed layers. Refer to SP1PER for range and unit values. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    US3ORIGIN is assigned to the third layer from the crown of the treed ploygon and identifies the actual origin year of the tree layer and is coded using four digits. (Source: Manitoba Forest Lands Inventory Manual)

    Length of feature in internal units. (Source: Esri)

    Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

    Area of feature in internal units squared. (Source: Esri)

    Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

    Z_Mean is defined as the mean z-value of the polygon. Z_Mean was calculated using the Add Z-Information Tool in 3D Analyst Tools in ArcGIS. (Source: Esri)

    Avg_Slope is defined as the average slope of a given polygon. Avg_Slope was calculated using Add Z-Information in 3D Analyst Tools in ArcGIS. (Source: Esri)

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    Sustainable Development, Forestry and Peatlands Management Branch
    Attn: Tony Viveiros
    GIS Database Manager
    Box 70, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3

    204-948-2671 (FAX)

Why was the data set created?

This represents version 3 of the Forest Land Inventory (FLI) for the Nelson River Forest Section (2011 & 2013) of Manitoba with enhanced attributes such as STRATA, SPP_SUM, etc. calculated. Version 3 includes additional updates to some records for the STRATA, DENAGG (density class aggregate) and SIC (site index class) fields.
The FLI is ecologically-based and is designed to accurately represent the location and characteristics of the forest resource.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

    (source 1 of 1)
    Type_of_Source_Media: None
    Interpreted Forest Lands Inventory (FLI) polygons from 2011 and 2013 aerial photography for Manitoba's Nelson River Forest Section

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    (process 1 of 1)
    The general approach to the forest inventory interpretation was as follows: 1. familiarization of the general area; 2. ground truthing (air calls and ground plots); 3. delineation in Summit Evolution based on aerial photography; 4. interpretation of delineated polygons; 5. coding of attributes (in format compatible with digital database); 6. verification and quality control measures.

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?

  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    Topology Rules Applied: Polygons must not overlap; Polygons must not have gaps.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

Access contrainsts: See
While every effort is made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information and documents available on the Manitoba Land Initiative site, the Government of Manitoba and its officers, employees and agents assume no legal liability or responsibility for the completeness or usefulness of any information disclosed. Nor do we ensure compatibility with past, current or future versions of your browser to access the site's digital data. Users of this data are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Licence Agreement for Digital Data. Licence Agreement for Digital Data This is a legal agreement between you ("User") and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba ("Manitoba"). BY ACCESSING, DOWNLOADING, PRINTING OR USING THE DATA, INFORMATION AND MATERIALS BEING PROVIDED WITH, OR ACCESSIBLE PURSUANT TO, THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY DISPOSE OF ANY SUCH DATA, INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND ANY DERIVED PRODUCTS. These terms and conditions may change from time to time and it is your responsibility to check for such updates. WHEREAS Manitoba is the owner of the proprietary rights in the digital data, information and materials ("Data") which forms part of the Manitoba Land Initiative and which Data is being delivered with, or is accessible electronically pursuant to, this Agreement; AND WHEREAS the User wishes to access and use the Data; NOW THEREFORE the User, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, covenants and agrees as follows: 1.00 Reserved Rights and Grant of Limited Licence 1.01 All Data is copyrighted, © 2001, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba. All rights reserved. The User acknowledges that the Data is protected under the Copyright Act (Canada). 1.02 The Data is provided free of charge and royalty-free to the User for use, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Manitoba retains all ownership interests in the Data. 1.03 Subject to clauses 1.04 and 1.05, the User is hereby granted a limited licence to: (a) select, print or arrange all of, or portions or features from these Data; (b) distribute Data, free of charge, in its original source form; and (c) process, analyze or otherwise use these Data in the development of new, derived works or value added products. 1.04 The User may sell, lease or sublicense the Data contained in new, derived works or value added products only. Reproducing or redistributing the Data for sale, lease or sublicense in its original source form, in whole or in part, without such modifications is strictly prohibited. Users are encouraged to come to the originating source to access the most current version of the Data. 1.05 When the Data is being distributed, free of charge, in its original source form as permitted by clause 1.03(b), or when using the Data in new representations, derived works and value added products as permitted by clause 1.03(c), the User shall reference the source of information as: "© 2001 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba. All rights reserved." 2.00 No Advice or Warranties 2.01 THE DATA IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND MANITOBA MAKES NO GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES RESPECTING THE DATA, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EFFECTIVENESS, COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 2.02 The boundaries, colours, denominations and other interpreted information contained in the Data, and their positional accuracy, do not imply on the part of Manitoba any judgement on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 2.03 Manitoba may authorize other parties to use the Data in the same kind of products or in different products and Data may be deleted, changed or updated from time to time. Manitoba reserves the right to restrict access to the Data and may charge fees for access to the Data in the future. 3.0 No Liability / Indemnification 3.01 MANITOBA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN RESPECT OF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE CAUSE OF THE CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY OR DAMAGES WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USER'S USE OR POSSESSION OF THE DATA. MANITOBA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE DATA. 3.02 The User shall indemnify and save harmless Manitoba and its Ministers, officers, employees and agents from and against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand or action, alleging loss, costs, expense, damages or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the User's use or possession of the Data. 4.00 Choice of Law 4.01 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the parties irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of and agree to bring any actions exclusively in the courts of Manitoba.

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    Sustainable Development, Forestry and Peatlands Management Branch
    Attn: Tony Viveiros
    GIS Database Manager
    Box 70, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3

    204-948-2671 (FAX)

  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    While every effort is made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information and documents available on the Manitoba Land Initiative site, the Government of Manitoba and its officers, employees and agents assume no legal liability or responsibility for the completeness or usefulness of any information disclosed. Nor do we ensure compatibility with past, current or future versions of your browser to access the site's digital data. Users of this data are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Licence Agreement for Digital Data. Licence Agreement for Digital Data This is a legal agreement between you ("User") and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba ("Manitoba"). BY ACCESSING, DOWNLOADING, PRINTING OR USING THE DATA, INFORMATION AND MATERIALS BEING PROVIDED WITH, OR ACCESSIBLE PURSUANT TO, THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY DISPOSE OF ANY SUCH DATA, INFORMATION, MATERIALS AND ANY DERIVED PRODUCTS. These terms and conditions may change from time to time and it is your responsibility to check for such updates. WHEREAS Manitoba is the owner of the proprietary rights in the digital data, information and materials ("Data") which forms part of the Manitoba Land Initiative and which Data is being delivered with, or is accessible electronically pursuant to, this Agreement; AND WHEREAS the User wishes to access and use the Data; NOW THEREFORE the User, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, covenants and agrees as follows: 1.00 Reserved Rights and Grant of Limited Licence 1.01 All Data is copyrighted, © 2001, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba. All rights reserved. The User acknowledges that the Data is protected under the Copyright Act (Canada). 1.02 The Data is provided free of charge and royalty-free to the User for use, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Manitoba retains all ownership interests in the Data. 1.03 Subject to clauses 1.04 and 1.05, the User is hereby granted a limited licence to: (a) select, print or arrange all of, or portions or features from these Data; (b) distribute Data, free of charge, in its original source form; and (c) process, analyze or otherwise use these Data in the development of new, derived works or value added products. 1.04 The User may sell, lease or sublicense the Data contained in new, derived works or value added products only. Reproducing or redistributing the Data for sale, lease or sublicense in its original source form, in whole or in part, without such modifications is strictly prohibited. Users are encouraged to come to the originating source to access the most current version of the Data. 1.05 When the Data is being distributed, free of charge, in its original source form as permitted by clause 1.03(b), or when using the Data in new representations, derived works and value added products as permitted by clause 1.03(c), the User shall reference the source of information as: "© 2001 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Manitoba. All rights reserved." 2.00 No Advice or Warranties 2.01 THE DATA IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND MANITOBA MAKES NO GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES RESPECTING THE DATA, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EFFECTIVENESS, COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 2.02 The boundaries, colours, denominations and other interpreted information contained in the Data, and their positional accuracy, do not imply on the part of Manitoba any judgement on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 2.03 Manitoba may authorize other parties to use the Data in the same kind of products or in different products and Data may be deleted, changed or updated from time to time. Manitoba reserves the right to restrict access to the Data and may charge fees for access to the Data in the future. 3.0 No Liability / Indemnification 3.01 MANITOBA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN RESPECT OF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE CAUSE OF THE CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY OR DAMAGES WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USER'S USE OR POSSESSION OF THE DATA. MANITOBA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE DATA. 3.02 The User shall indemnify and save harmless Manitoba and its Ministers, officers, employees and agents from and against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand or action, alleging loss, costs, expense, damages or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the User's use or possession of the Data. 4.00 Choice of Law 4.01 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the parties irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of and agree to bring any actions exclusively in the courts of Manitoba.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 06-Jan-2021
Metadata author:
Sustainable Development, Forestry and Peatlands Management Branch
Attn: Lee Fedorchuk
Box 70, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3

204-945-7954 (voice)
204-948-2671 (FAX)

Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

Generated by mp version 2.9.12 on Wed Jan 06 10:57:50 2021