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MLI Data Standards Committee

Standards In Process
DLS Coding and use
Proposed  Road Allowance naming convention
Standards - Accepted
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On June 04 1999, the Deputy Minister Committee of departments involved in land related information systems gave the mandate to the Manitoba Land Initiative (MLI) Committee to develop and recommend a structure for a government-wide framework for the management of land-related information. Office of Information Technology was delegated to lead and co-ordinate this initiative.

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DLS coding and use
Source: Manitoba Conservation
The general use of DLS keys has had a long and chequered history.  In the early years of the development of land information systems,  processing power and disk storage was limited and expensive. The data content of database fields was minimized to save space, processing speed and cost. Times and the processing environment have changed.  Today, data storage space is very inexpensive and processing speeds are continually increasing. The coding standard is based on the conclusion that clarity should not be sacrificed based on old processing concepts and restrictions.   
In general:

1. All fields to be character 
2. All applicable fields to be right justified, left zero filled
3. Display PIDs should have fields separated by hyphens
4. Database keys should have all fields concatenated
Field Name Section Township Range


Meridian Quarter
Characters 2 3 2 1 2 2
Value Range 01-36 001-127 01-32 _ or A W1, E1, E2 NE, NW, SE, SW
Display Order Quarter Section Township Range


Key Order Section Township Range


Meridian Quarter
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Road Allowance Naming Convention
Source: Manitoba Conservation & Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines
Please note that the coding does not match the proposed standard re: field sizes, leading zeros etc. This will be remedied in a future release.

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